Monday 7 April 2014


Let's think about it. How anyone will feel after he's dead ? I mean before death when someone gonna die, feels that how beautiful the world is, nice people he met, great friends he has.

Now it's all come to an end !!!!

Wait END ?

Is that really end ? Is that how someone feels like when he's about to die ?
Hold on ! Take a deep breath; Think about it.

We all are taught that each living creature or thing has a particular "Soul". The soul which is a part of the Almighty, the God, the Allah; whatever we like to call. The soul is like a drop of the ocean God. That's why there's a god in all of us. It was also taught that the soul changes body when someone dies. If we take that as correct. Suppose it is correct because till now that‟s all we know about it.

What we think, what we feel, what we do; It's could be related to the soul. The body – soul combination is creative. So when one body-soul gonna end, when this soul is about to change the body; Is this combination won't show any creativity, feeling or something else ?

May be !!!! or May be Not !!!!

We can stop here with no feeling or creativity or something else.
But I would like to move further. Let's choose option-2 : "May be Not". 
It feels something, after all it's us.

We have seen a lot of scenes in movies showing someone is dying. Let's remember some of the scenes. When it comes to an end of journey of this body or an interval for a soul; each person behaves differently after all each one of us is different.

Let's get back to the scenes. Some people think about what we have done wrong in past and ask for sorry, some wants to stay in their loved one's arms, some doesn't even know what the hell is going on and in a bit of moment everything is gone.

Now remodel every scene & choose the common thing that in the end a person died. What is after that scene ends…….. BLANCK ??? Just dark screen, and that's where we stop thinking & move to next scene or movie.

Now reverse your thinking reel. For the real case; when someone is dead. Is blank screen be same for that dead person ?

Relate it with what we were taught. Soul travels. Is that same travel what we do? When we go out to some other places, we make friend, get know new people, new things, culture, we enjoy, we also got angry some times, sometimes we don't like few things or few places. And that's all happens in our life too. Isn't it?
After traveling to some place, we came back home. Get busy in daily life and after some time we plan again for travel to some other place.

Hold On Now ! Did you notice something ?

Each time when we travel, we face the same things what we face in our usual life. I mean not exactly same, but on the same theme like making friends, likes, dislikes, love, anger etc.

Is that same what our soul does ? Travel ?

This is all similar with lives & what happen we travel. Except one thing; we came back home after journey and if our soul follow the same then it will also go to HOME !

Is that where our answer ? when soul leaves a body means ends it's journey & go back to home. When soul leaves a body means ends it's journey & go back to HOME.

Where the HOME is, What is it; May be we will think about it later. 
Now we are stuck at how it feels when soul is going back to HOME.

Is that same feeling what we feel, when we are coming back from a journey ?
Possibly Yes, or Not ?

We all agree about what happen during journey time, happens in our life too so 'possibly yes' makes some sort of sense. But why NOT ?

What does that makes sense ? Now soul is not feeling what it feels when it in
body ?

Instead of getting angry think about coming back of soul. When it happens ?

Don't we know about it, actually we do. 
We know that just after death soul doesn't leave body immediately. It takes time. That's what the time it's going back to HOME.

Now just after death when soul is still in body. What is it doing there ?
Packing Luggage ? 
May be !!

Well it's not our concern for now. Our concern is what it's feeling ! Because what it will feel, we feel. As because body & soul combination is still there.

At last we came to the final thing “the feeling”. What are we feeling in an unconscious body where soul is about to go.

The nightmare ! Remember !! the nightmare which makes you feel like you are unconscious, you tried to wake up, you know it's not real, still you are afraid, your pillow is wet due to sweating ! Compare the situation with condition of soul.

No...No !!! wait don't think about that horrible nightmare. I am talking about comparing your unconscious situation due to nightmare with the unconscious body with soul.

Now the soul knows the reality that; this journey is complete. 
It's calling to self WAKE-UP!! WAKE-UP!! The soul itself doesn't belong here, like we doesn't belong to the nightmare world. 

Actually by any-means we belong to nightmare world and we might be like to discuss that later. 
But here we know the reality that it wasn't real so does the soul knows that it's not the world where it's gonna stay.

As what happen to ourselves when we wake up from that nightmare. It's completely different world from nightmare.
And for soul when it wake up ??

In a complete different world, relaxing at HOME !!
And now again similar situation for soul.

The next night we close our eyes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As we open eyes in the nightmare, the soul open eyes in a new WOMB !!

Apr 06th , 2014